Day Five, Sunday July 1. Rest Day

Despite the fact that today is a rest day, we were up early (7am) for breakfast and getting ready for Sunday service at the GBPK Church just down the road. I committed a slip by wearing shorts: apparently mature males wear trousers (a few of the gang suggested it was apt…)

Despite the service being completely in Indonesian, there was no mistaking the joy and love for the Lord in the room, and we all had a great deal of fun singing hymns with familiar tunes, but in an unfamiliar language! Thank heavens for the hymn books!

The traditional dress worn by many of the men and women was beautiful to behold and our students acquitted themselves beautifully, receiving enthusiastic applause to our renditions of “Our God” and “The Desert Song”. They sang so well! I recorded the lot! The congregation were so welcoming and took the opportunity to welcome us, despite the language barrier. We were certainly overwhelmed by their friendliness and genuine interest in us. The Balinese people are truly beautiful.

After church, we headed back to Dhyana Pura and we collected our laundry (somehow Vicy’s and mine got mixed up….not awkward at all!) – it cost us 1000Rp per piece (10c) to have them washed and pressed. Wow!

Warung Bali was our lunchtime destination, with only 4 items on the menu, the choice was limited, but the flavor wasn’t. Each meal, including a drink, cost around $2 and there was lots of it! I know that I have learned a new new love for an old cuisine on this trip, that is certain!


A restful afternoon of fun and fellowship was had, as three of Pak Paul’s students came to visit, Stephanie, Stevie and Helena. They had a wonderful time interacting with our students, enjoying much laughter and fun!


As the afternoon rolled on, we headed back out to the rooftop to enjoy the cool breeze and Miss Anderson took the opportunity to give us some face painting tuition, the results of which are below:




The sun dropped below the horizon, a gorgeous backdrop to our face painting antics:

While the face painting was going on, Paul and Trevor went off to get pizza. Nearly two hours later they returned!!! Apparently they went to the pizza shop around the corner, but it was closed. The next closest one was about ten minutes away by taxi….Nonetheless they returned triumphant, with Trevor toting a whole coconut, cut with a straw hanging out of it!
Bed soon followed as we will be up early-ish tomorrow!
Pak Matt

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